Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Welcome to my third week of being vegan. I was a ovo-lacto vegetarian for about 21 years. I got a few surprises when a went vegan :

1) Loose stools or runny pooh
2) I developed acne for the first time in my life

I was sure that I had been eating large amount of fiber so the first on caught me off guard. The acne I totally do not understand. Is this some form of detox from dairy or eggs? Has anyone else experienced this?

I would like some suggestions of good vegan cookbooks. I have Vive le Vegan, it is OK but not great.


Nikk said...

I am totally in the same boat! I went from ovo-lacto to vegan about 6 weeks ago and I have had the WORST breakout since high school ever since!

You aren't alone! I did just get some acne cream from a company called Nelsons that acutally has helped (after one day!!!).

For cookbooks I suggest that you get Vegan with a Vengeance. It is my favorite! It's really a fun read too. :)

Zilma said...

Thank you for the support. I was begining to think that my acne had some other cause. I will research Nelsons acne cream on the web.

I will go to Borders and take a look at Vegan with a Vengeance.